OHNRG Monthly Seminar Series
Sharing Research and Developing Collaborations to Inspire Progress
During the academic year, the Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Research Group holds monthly seminars featuring scientists and clinicians from various departments and institutions. The goal is to work collaboratively to translate key findings to novel therapies for this particularly challenging cancer type.
Seminars are held one Monday of every academic month, from 4-5 PM alternating between the Parnassus and Mission Bay campuses as well as Zoom. See the seminar schedule below. 
Email [email protected] if you would like to be added to the OHNRG listserv.

Email [email protected] if you are interested in presenting at an OHNRG monthly seminar.


Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Research Group Monthly Seminar Schedule 

Seminars are held one Monday per month from 4-5 PM, unless otherwise noted below.
Click hyperlinked dates below to save to your calendar.
Recordings may take several business days to be available.

2024/25 Seminar Schedule



  • Speaker: Flora (Fatemeh) Momen-Heravi, DDS, PhD, MPH, MS, R. Earl Robinson Distinguished Professor of Periodontology at UCSF
  • Talk Title: Personalized Medicine in Head and Neck Cancer: Insights into the Tumor Microenvironment
  • Link to Recording:


Archived Seminars