Cancer research

Correction: Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer with TORC1/2 Inhibitors Sustains a Drug-Resistant and Notch-Dependent Cancer Stem Cell Population.

Cancer research

Bhola NE, Jansen VM, Koch JP, Li H, Formisano L, Williams JA, Grandis JR, Arteaga CL

BET inhibition overcomes receptor tyrosine kinase-mediated cetuximab resistance in HNSCC.

Cancer research

Leonard B, Brand TM, O'Keefe RA, Lee E, Zang Y, Kemmer JD, Li H, Grandis JR, Bhola NE

Cross-talk Signaling between HER3 and HPV16 E6 and E7 Mediates Resistance to PI3K Inhibitors in Head and Neck Cancer.

Cancer research

Brand TM, Hartmann S, Bhola NE, Li H, Zeng Y, O'Keefe RA, Ranall MV, Bandyopadhyay S, Soucheray M, Krogan NJ, Kemp C, Duvvuri U, LaVallee T, Johnson DE, Ozbun MA, Bauman JE, Grandis JR

Crosstalk signaling between HER3 and HPV16 E6 and E7 mediates resistance to PI3K inhibitors in head and neck cancer.

Cancer research

Brand TM, Hartmann S, Bhola NE, Li H, Zang Y, O'Keefe RA, Ranall MV, Bandyopadhyay S, Soucheray M, Krogan NJ, Kemp C, Duvvuri U, LaVallee T, Johnson DE, Ozbun MA, Bauman JE, Grandis JR

A Novel Functional Splice Variant of AKT3 Defined by Analysis of Alternative Splice Expression in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancers.

Cancer research

Guo T, Sakai A, Afsari B, Considine M, Danilova L, Favorov AV, Yegnasubramanian S, Kelley DZ, Flam E, Ha PK, Khan Z, Wheelan SJ, Gutkind JS, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA, Califano J

A novel functional splice variant of AKT3 defined by analysis of alternative splice expression in HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers.

Cancer research

Guo T, Sakai A, Afsari B, Considine M, Danilova L, Favorov AV, Yegnasubramanian S, Kelley DZ, Flam E, Ha PK, Khan Z, Wheelan SJ, Gutkind JS, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA, Califano J

Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer with TORC1/2 Inhibitors Sustains a Drug-Resistant and Notch-Dependent Cancer Stem Cell Population.

Cancer research

Bhola NE, Jansen VM, Koch JP, Li H, Formisano L, Williams JA, Grandis JR, Arteaga CL

Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer with TORC1/2 Inhibitors Sustains a Drug-Resistant and Notch-Dependent Cancer Stem Cell Population.

Cancer research

Bhola NE, Jansen VM, Koch JP, Li H, Formisano L, Williams JA, Grandis JR, Arteaga CL

Abstract 3839: Investigation of epigenetic based inter-tumoral heterogeneity identifies novel ZMIZ1 gene as a biomarker of cancer patient survival in multiple tumor types.

Cancer research

Dimitrios Mathios, Taeyoung Hwang, Jillian Phallen, Chetan Bettewgoda, Patrick Ha, Peter Burger, Henry Brem, Kerrie McDonald, Chul-Kee Park, Michael Lim

TGFß Is a Master Regulator of Radiation Therapy-Induced Antitumor Immunity.

Cancer research

Vanpouille-Box C, Diamond JM, Pilones KA, Zavadil J, Babb JS, Formenti SC, Barcellos-Hoff MH, Demaria S
